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Acne is something most of us have experienced at one time or another. As many as three out of four teenagers have experienced it to some extent. It is most prevalent during adolescence because hormonal changes stimulate the sebaceous glands (oil glands) into producing more sebum (oil), increasing the chance of acne. While most people outgrow acne in their late teens or early twenties, many continue to be affected much longer. Aggravation of acne in later life may occur with menstrual periods, use of birth control pills, use of oil-based products and stress.

What causes acne?

Acne occurs when the oil produced by sebaceous glands does not reach the surface of the skin but is trapped in tiny pores or follicles. This plug may close off the pore, causing the follicle wall to bulge, which creates a whitehead. If the pore stays open, the top surface of the plug may become darkened, causing a blackhead. In both cases, the bacterium, P acnes, thrives in the clogged follicles. When the bacteria and pus leak from the follicle into the surrounding tissue, pimples are formed. You may have heard that “blackheads are dirt”; “only teens have acne”; “junk foods cause acne”; or “it will just go away by itself.” These and other myths have prevented many from seeking the appropriate acne treatment for years.

Doctors at Acne Clinic will determine the severity of your acne and may select one or more treatments that are best for you. The basic steps of acne control may include topical and oral antibiotics, creams (such as Retin-A™),or Accutane™.

Your doctor will determine the severity of your acne and may select one or more treatments that are best for you. The basic steps of acne control may include topical antibacterial’s and antibiotics, oral antibiotics, comedolytics (such as Retin-A™), sebostatics (such as Accutane™), astringents and exfoliants.

Reccomended Products to Combat Acne, or Pimples

  • Cleanser
  • Toner
  • Glycolic 12% or 18%

Brown Spots

Does your skin have Brown Spots or Otherwise known as Hyperpigmentation, Skin Pigmentation, Sun Spots or Age Spots?

Hyperpigmentation is a common, usually harmless condition in which patches of skin become darker in color than the normal surrounding skin. This darkening occurs when an excess of melanin, the brown pigment that produces normal skin color, forms deposits in the skin. Hyperpigmentation can affect the skin color of people of any race.

Age or “liver” spots are a common form of hyperpigmentation. They occur due to sun damage, and are referred to by doctors as solar lentigines. These small, darkened patches are usually found on the hands and face or other areas frequently exposed to the sun.

Let our Doctor and Professional Aesthetic Team help you with your Hyperpigmentation, Skin Pigmentation, Sun Spots or Age Spots, so don’t waste money on products that may not work!


Although wrinkles can be signs of experience and wisdom, most people would rather not have them.

People’s desire to retain and regain youth is strong and universal. The eternal wish for a “fountain of youth” can be seen in the innumerable products and procedures advertised in books, magazines, and other media that promise “younger-looking skin.” Many claims for such youth-enhancing methods are unfortunately overblown or entirely nonexistent. Let the buyer beware! Still, effective techniques for softening and even removing wrinkles do exist.

Skin ages all over the body, but much more so where there has been sun exposure. Changes brought on by sun damage (photoaging) include “dryness” (really roughness), sagginess, skin growths like keratoses (“liver spots”), and wrinkles.

Wrinkles in turn can be divided into two categories; fine, surface lines and deep furrows. Wrinkle treatments are in general much more effective for fine lines. Deeper creases may require more aggressive techniques, such as plastic surgery.

Wrinkles in turn can be divided into two categories; fine, surface lines and deep furrows. Wrinkle treatments are in general much more effective for fine lines. Deeper creases may require more aggressive techniques, such as plastic surgery.

Wrinkles are found primarily on the parts of the body where sun exposure is greatest. These areas especially include the face, neck, the backs of the hands, and the tops of the forearms.


Thank you Doctors at Acne Clinic you changed my life


Immediate appointments are available with no doctor referral Needed

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