1750 steeles ave west suite 222 Concord ON


King, ON

A visit to our Acne Pimple Dermatology Clinic King ON is certain to be highly beneficial for those that are starting to notice the first signs of the more aggressive impact of black heads and white heads. By relying on the professionals, you are certain to receive a high-quality service that is able to not only stop or slow the outbreak of the pimples, but can also go a long way to lessening the appearance of scars.

Getting the Initial Consultation

On visiting the Acne Pimple Dermatology Clinic King ON it will certainly benefit to have an initial consultation with the doctor, who is able to check on your prior health history and inspect the present condition of acne on the face or body. A doctor is able to carefully examine the particular situation, and the extent of the acne outbreak. They will also carefully examine the areas of the skin that are irritated and showing signs of scarring. A reason for providing this examination is so that it is possible to provide the specific treatment for your own individual situation, and to ensure the most beneficial treatment is provided.

Receiving the Most Beneficial Treatment

Once the initial consultation is completed by the doctor at the Acne Pimple Dermatology Clinic King ON and the type of acne is diagnosed, you can expect to receive a designated treatment plan that is able to provide the necessary care that you will require for clearing the distressing signs of the acne and scars. Within a short period of starting the treatment, you should certainly see that the first signs of acne are under more control, and might be noticed within a period of about two weeks. It is often necessary to make repeated visits to the clinic, to ensure that the required care is provided throughout the course of the treatment plan.


Thank you Doctors at Acne Clinic you changed my life


Immediate appointments are available with no doctor referral Needed

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